Page 13 - FP CHRONICLE Issue 11
P. 13

To be able to complete our work better, no matter how hardworking we are, there must be an inner motivation that stems from ourselves and strengthens us whenever we fall, under any circumstances. Otherwise, we will fall into the first pit facing us.
 ATTITUDE   From this perspective, Dr. Faisal Khalifa Al-               you realize what your goals are? I’m talking

        Hammadi conducted a lecture about students                      about your experiences.

        attitude in the class last term on the first day of             "  Unfortunately  I  didn't  figure  out  that  at  a

        February. He spoke of the importance of self-                   very young age.  It was after I started having

        reliance and encouragement.                                     human  development  training  that  I  became

                                                                        aware of all this. .. I came to know that there

        Mr. Faisal started by telling us that if someone                are a lot of things I have to change in myself…

        tells you that you are good, you have the right                 Then I changed myself.  Before I used to feel

        to say “no .. I am not good, I am exceptional.”                 that I am exceptional, but I didn’t know why,

        Also,  he  pointed  that  if  we  have  something               it was just a feeling. When I was young I had

        negative  that  prevents  us  from  succeeding,                 no people around to guide me…I read books

        we have to write it in a paper and then tear                    and I attended human development training.

        that paper to believe that nothing stands in our                And this is why I changed myself and became

        way. Furthermore, he said that If we have a                     a better version of myself”

        dream, and we want to achieve it, but we think                  Did you mean that  it was too late when you

        it is difficult, we must write it in a paper and                figured it out?

        put that paper in our pocket and read it 100                     “No ... It is never too late. Why? Because you

        times a day till we believe we can do it.                       never know how much Allah is going to give

                                                                        you at your age? You may find  your calling

        After the exciting lecture we asked Mr, Facial                  at 60 … at least you meet Allah with a try that

        the following questions:                                        you wanted to change yourself to the best.”

        Did  you  reach  that  understanding  alone,

        or did you experience something that made

                                                     FP Chronicle  Issue 11, May 2018
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