Page 10 - FP CHRONICLE ISSUE 16 March 2021
P. 10

Muscat and even in the Arab Gulf. I am pleased to

     prove that the designers here have capabilities and
     competencies  to compete  locally  and globally.

     Who is the teacher that has an impact on your
     life the most? Why?

     I have benefited from each teacher, and
     they are all considered influential in my

     professional life. I'm not talking only

     about teachers in my major (graphic
     design); there are teachers outside of my

                                                           specialization. They taught me patience

                                                             and self-control and how to break fear. I
                                                               was training at the Continuing Education

                                                                Center in the Administration Department

                                                                 and everyone who taught me even a letter
                                                                 I thank them because they were part of

                                                                my accomplishments.

                    9                              FP Chronicle  Issue 16, Mar 2021
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