Page 10 - Issue 20, April 2023 Online
P. 10


        aspects; how do you approach the                                issues.
        challenging parts of your position as a                         Haneen: Do you have a favorite book

        rector?                                                         or favorite author? What was the last

                                                                        book you’ve read?
        Prof. Amer:  When  I come  across

        challenging  issues, I  always  study                           Prof. Amer: My favorite book is the

        them carefully, and I try to analyze                            Quran.

        them to find possible solutions. I meet                         The last book I read was Hayat Al Idara
        with the concerned people, give my                              by Ghazi Al Gosaibi. I have most of

        views, and listen to them so that we                            his books, and I like him as an author.

        can reach a solution by persuasion and                          I admire his way of approaching things
        not to react instantaneously. Instead,                          and solving problems.

        we study it carefully and approach it

        carefully.  The approach is important                           Moamen: Do you have any goals or

        when solving an issue. It should be                             personal dreams that you are working
        approached in a good manner.                                    towards?

        Fatma A’zahraa: We are so interested                            Prof. Amer: For DU,  my goal is to
        in  you  as  a  successful  figure.  Can                        do my best to elevate it to be among

        we ask you questions about you as a                             the leading universities.  I think the

        person? Can you please tell us about                            university has great potential.  As
        your hobbies?                                                   a person outside of work, I like to

                                                                        help people;  I like to provide advice

        Prof. Amer:  I like to watch football                           whenever I can. I feel happy when I
        even though I wasn’t a football player,                         help to solve their problems in any

        I do follow up on it. I also read books                         way I can.

        of different  kinds:  cultural,  religious,

        etc. I usually focus on contemporary                            Amna: Do you speak any other languages?

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