Page 7 - FP e-Newsletter January 2021
P. 7

          F O U N D A T I O N   P R O G R A M                                              J A N U A R Y   2 0 2 1


            E N G L I S H

           As educators, we are always looking to reach out
           to our community in positive and impactful
           ways. The FP Community Service Committee has
           arranged a Reading Day with local elementary
           schools. Volunteers will select a short story
           to share with these young learners. Sharing
           stories is one way help to create stories, build
           bonds through shared experience, foster
           curiosity, and hopefully awaken a love of
           language and learning.

                                                                    M A T H

                                                                    Striving to continue online curriculum
                                                                    effectiveness and efficacy, the FP Math depart-
                                                                    ment will hold a virtual symposium focused on
                                                                    online learning and assessment: challenges and
                                                                    solutions. The two-hour symposium, to be held
                                                                    on February 25, 2021, from 12:00 - 2:00 pm, will
                                                                    be an international event. With keynote speakers
                                                                    and presenters from four countries, the FP Math
                                                                    symposium is sure to be a highly informative and
                                                                    engaging event.

           I T

           COVID-19 forced many educational changes,
           including a stronger reliance on technology. This
           has led to an increased awareness of data security
           and privacy. On February 18, 2021, from 7:00 -
           9:00 pm, the FP IT department has organized an
           international online symposium to address these
           issues around cyber-security for online learning.
           This event will help educators consider these
           issues, as data security in an online teaching
           environment is a concern for all.
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