Page 3 - March 2023
P. 3



                     We are now at the beginning of the holy month,
                     which is closest to the hearts of all Muslims, as the
                     month of Ramadan has a great place in every heart.
                     It is full of meaningful memories that span across
                     generations of a family. At prayer times, the Qur’an
                     is recited in every house, in which good deeds
                     ascend to heaven, in which angels descend, and in
                     which wishes are fulfilled. How beautiful are these
                     days that the soul longs for year to year.

                     Fasting was imposed during Ramadan to discipline
                     and guide the soul. The wisdom behind fasting has
                     always been to learn how to suppress cravings and
                     return to God, to feel the suffering of the poor and
                     the needy, and to achieve the social solidarity that
                     the true religion calls for. Ramadan has always
                     been the month of refining the soul.

                     Ramadan embodies the meaning of mercy,
                     cooperation, love of goodness, charity, kindness
                     and caring for others. Ramadan comes to erase
                     sins, conceal the defects of the soul, and purify the
                     heart. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims
                     experience many happy feelings. Every night, they

                     feel more confident that God will free their necks of
                     their burden and forgive their sins. In the month of
                     Ramadan, the feeling of God's mercy, satisfaction,
                     and forgiveness increases in a way that gives more
                     sense of security. The believer enters Ramadan
                     with a weary and tired heart and comes out of it
                     with a calm and healthy heart. What beautiful,
                     blessed days and what a great ritual.

                             -Dr. Moosa Ahmed Bait Ali Sulaiman, FP Director

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