Page 10 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 10

3. University Governance and Management

             3.1.  Introduction
             Governance of DU is the prime responsibility of the Board of Trustees (BoT) and Board of Directors
             (BoD), whereas the routine management is the responsibility of the Vice Chancellor (VC), with the
             help of the University Council (UC) and the Deputy Vice Chancellor (DVC). The BoT concentrates
             on academic and administrative matters and overall development of the University, whereas the

             BoD looks after the University budget and financial matters.
             The VC is the sole link between the BoT and the University. As the head of the institution, the VC

             reports to the BoT, the governing body of DU. At the same time, as a member of the BoT he is
             responsible for conveying the decisions of the BoT to the University stakeholders concerned.

             3.2.  Organisational Structure
             DU has a clear organizational structure, showing various academic and administrative units and
             key  positions  within  the  University,  with  well-defined  roles  and  delegated  responsibilities  for

             these positions. The lines of authority and responsibility are clearly defined and reporting is done
             The VC is the head of the University and is responsible for its day-to-day management. He is
             assisted by the DVC in the performance of his duties. In addition, there is a UC, which is the main
             decision-making body at DU, to assist the VC. The VC acts on the advice of the UC at all times,

             except for routine decisions.
             The two main executive officials at DU (VC and DVC) have a number of academic, administrative
             and service units under their direct control and are responsible for their smooth functioning, in

             coordination with the heads of these units.

             3.3.  Board of Trustees
             The  BoT  is  established  with  a  decree  from  the  founders  of  the  University  and  consist  of  11
             members  of  the  founders  or  otherwise.  Its  membership  includes  the  VC  and  a  number  of
             experienced  and  qualified  academics.  It  also  has  one  representative  from  the  MoHERI.  The

             membership of the Board is for four (4) years subject to renewal.
             The BoT exercises all the overseeing authority necessary in managing the affairs of the University,
             safeguarding  its  interests  and  in  accomplishing  its  mission. The  BoT  can  delegate  some  of  its
             functions and responsibilities to the VC or the UC.

             The  main  responsibilities  of  BoT  include:  approval  of  the  Bylaws,  policies  and  procedures  to
             govern the affairs of University; approval of the organizational structure; appointment of the VC
             and the DVC; approval of the appointment of the members of the UC; approval of the future plans

             for developing the University; approval of the financial policies and developmental budget in
             coordination with the BoD.

             3.4.  Vice Chancellor
             The VC of DU is appointed by the BoT and is the Chief Executive and Academic Officer of the
             University. The VC represents DU in all its business with other institutions and parties.

          Dhofar University Faculty Handbook (2021-22)                                                    Page 6
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