Page 5 - FP Newsletter October 2020
P. 5

F O U N D A T I O N   P R O G R A M                                               O C T O B E R   2 0 2 0



    To support and encourage staff, the Promotion Committee

    takes on the responsibility of receiving applications for
    promotion when available. The committee meets to ensure
    that applications meet Dhofar University's promotion
    criteria. If the criteria are met, they will recommend
    promotion to the director. The most recent promotion was
    for Dr. Wajdi Hamza Alredany, who was promoted to

    Assistant Professor. The Promotion Committee congratulates
    him on his promotion and looks forward to seeing other team
    members aim for success.

                                         RECRUITMENT & INDUCTION

                                         When analyzing the personnel needs of the Foundation
                                         Program, the Recruitment & Induction committee liaises

                                         with Dhofar University's HR department to meet those
                                         specific needs. Once the determination is made to fill a new
                                         position, the committee will short-list, interview, and
                                         recommend candidates to HR for appointment. They also
                                         conduct pre- and post-arrival induction and support new
                                         faculty during their probation period. Finally, the
                                         committee reviews and updates the induction manual and

                                         faculty manual annually.


    To ensure that the FP is well informed with pertinent
    information in regards to activities, policies and enrollment

    data with a view to smooth operations and awareness of staff.
    Further, to give a voice to student concerns and interests
    through publication of the best of their work. The committee
    plays a key role in this with the use of four main ways:
    weekly FP Sunday Digest emails, publication of the FP
    Chronicle, the publication of the Faculty Manual, and sharing

    registration data. The latest addition is the FP e-Newsletter,
    an electronic platform aimed at faculty.
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