Executive Summary:

Dhofar University has launched on Sunday, 09/02/2020 the Capacity Development Programme for Non-Academic Staff, which seeks to enable employees to contribute effectively to improving the University’s administrative and financial performance, through a series of educational and awareness lectures, and specialized training and sessions.

The programme draws on the International benchmarking, which pays great attention to research methodology, and strategic thinking. Topics of the educational lectures and the qualifying training programmes were classified into several categories, including presenting educational issues and cultural awareness for discussion, and also introducing local and international sustainable development issues, as well as acquiring advanced skills in information and communication technology, and how to deal with various modern media. The programme also envisages practical training in interpersonal skills to understand the rules and theories of public relations and protocol, to contribute to spreading the culture of customer service among all employees. In addition, the programme delivers specialized training in administration and finance, also offering soft skills sessions, which in turn will impact the overall performance at the University.

Dhofar University intends, to pursue the capacity Development Programme annually to manifest with modern training developments and continuous improvement through mainstreaming it within the University’s general strategy, the university’s commitment to training and qualification in an institutional strategic framework.

Training Categories:

الرقم المتسلسلIn Englishباللغة العربية
1General educational and cultural awareness lecturesمحاضرات قضايا والموضوعات التوعوية والثقافية العامة
2Sustainability and sustainable development issues lecturesمحاضرات قضايا الإستدامة والتنمية المستدامة
3Protocol, etiquette, public relations, and customer service sessionsمحاضرات البروتوكول والإتيكيت والعلاقات العامة وخدمة العملاء
4Dealing with media and social media sessionsمحاضرات التعامل مع وسائل الإعلام التقليدية ووسائط التواصل الإجتماعي
5Communication and information technology sessionsمهارات تكنولوجيا المعلومات والإتصال
6Human Resources Management sessionsأساسيات الموارد البشرية
7Management of Finance sessionsبرامج وموضوعات التدريب المالي
8Management of Administration sessionsبرامج وموضوعات التدريب الإداري
9Soft skills sessionsالمهارات والأدوات الأساسية الأخرى للعمل
CDP Team
الاسم البريد الإلكتروني Designation رقم المكتب
Dr. Kheireldin Abdellatif kheireldin@du.edu.om Consultant of the board of trustees for development 23237150
Ghazi Mohamed Al Rowas galrowas@du.edu.om Acting Director of the Center for Training & Development of HR 23237153
Buthaina Mohammed Al Marhoon balmarhoon@du.edu.om Secretary I 23237151
Eiman Mohammed Koofan e_koofan@du.edu.om سكرتير 23237152