Education Outreach Activities

Education Outreach Activities The Department of Admission and Registration (DAR) is responsible for promoting DU and its academic programs among high school students in the region and providing information about higher education and career opportunities, in coordination with the College Deans, FP Director and Director of the DPRI. For that purpose, DAR maintains regular contacts [...]

Pay Parity

Pay Parity DU is an equal opportunity employer and strictly follows the “Policy of Non-discrimination”. All the time it is ensured that there is no discrimination whatsoever on the basis of gender, age, disability, race, colour, religion, economic or social status, nationality etc. This non-discrimination policy is followed in case of Pay Scale also and [...]

CCBA, CSCEC and SVC Organize a workshop in effective communication

Within the framework of enhancing continuous cooperation between the College of Commerce and Business Administration (CCBA) and governmental and private agencies, the College and CSCEC at Dhofar University collaborated with Salalah Vocational College to organize a training workshop entitled: “Effective Communication Skills”. The workshop was delivered by Ms. Lujain El-Maghraby (Lecturer at CCBA), which was […]


Staff Grievances

Staff Grievances DU has a “Staff Grievance Policy” which is made available to all staff members through e-mail, DU website and DU Policy Manual. The policy is applicable to all academic and non-academic staff, including part time staff and staff on a contract basis. The policy gives details about types of grievances, grievance handling procedure, [...]

SDGs Courses

No. Course Code Course Title SDG Covered 1 SOWO 250 School Social Work SDG-4 – Quality Education 2 SOWO 285 Social Work with Disabled SDG-10 – Reduced Inequalities 3 CHEM 280 Environmental Chemistry SDG-13 – Climate Action 4 NUTR 150 Food and Nutrition SDG-3 – Good Health and Well-being 5 INTA 422 Green Buildings SDG-11 […]


Skills for Dealing with Isolation and Psychological Loneliness

As part of its individual and group counseling programs, the Student Counseling Center organized a counseling program for university students entitled Skills for Dealing with Isolation and Psychological Loneliness on Tuesday and Thursday, October 31 and November 2, 2023, for 4 hours, and the program was presented by Mrs. Amira Abdel Qader Al-Helou, Counseling Specialist […]


Advisory Boards

Advisory Boards DU has a University Advisory Board, which includes representatives from external stakeholders such as: industry, employers, government organisations and community. The board is chaired by the Vice Chancellor and consist of nine other members. The board normally meets once every year and provides a forum for interaction with these stakeholders and their involvement [...]

DU Labour Union

OverviewRoleOffice BearersOverview Overview Dhofar University has an officially recognised labour union known as “Dhofar University Labour Union” (DULU), in which most of the faculty and staff, including women and expats are members. The existence of labour union ensures that the employees have freedom of association and labour rights are protected. The DULU was founded in [...]